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I'm a working mama with two cuties - zann & lance, although they drive me 'nuts', but i adore them very much =)

06 April 2009

Well.... is very true with the ending of 'ION'.....

The Moment you are in Tension...
You will lose your Attention...
Then you are in total Confusion...
And you will feel Irritation...
Then you will spoil personal Relation...
Ultimately, you won't get Co-Operation...
Then things will be full of Complication...
Then your blood pressure may raise Caution...
And you may have to take Medication...

Instead, understand the Situation...
And try to think about the Solution...
Many problems will be solved by Discussion...
This will work out better in your Profession...
Don't think it's my free Suggestion...
It's only for your Prevention...
If you understand my Intention...
You will never come again to Tension...


  1. I love this!!! Thanks for sharing this :D
    Have a great day Junnie!

  2. chintz.. knw wat?? now then i get to 'see' ur comments!! i v slow like a snail one lah... hahaha... i extracted the contents fm one of those junk mail i rcvd... i luv it too, v sayang to delete it & no where to keep tat's y include in my blog instead.. hehe..


~Precious Moment~